Tokio Hotel et du rock
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 reponce au fans

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 281
Age : 32
Localisation : Devant mon ordi
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2007

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MessageSujet: reponce au fans   reponce au fans Icon_minitimeMer 23 Mai - 18:10

Kawaii Angel from Chafford Hundred, United Kingdom

Where will you go when you come to England and where would you go on your dream vacation???

I guess we will go to London. We've been there before and we've all
been really excited. The City is great and we love it. Hopefully we'll
get to see more of England.

Tom: Talking about dream vacation we all love really little islands with palm trees and nearly nobody else there!

2. Stephanie from California, USA

Do you like cookies & how do you communicate with fans that don't speak German?

Georg: We all like cookies and sweets.
When we meet fans who don't speak German we try to speak English with
them. If that doesn't work we try to communicate with gestures. In some
countries we have an interpreter with us, which makes it much easier.

3. Alenka from Seol, South Korea

If Tokio Hotel did not exist, what career would each of you choose for your future?

Tokio Hotel has existed for nearly seven years now. We played in front
of five people, who didn't care for us at all. Now we're lucky and
successful and are able to play in front of really big crowds.

Yeah - that's all we ever wanted. I never wanted to become anything
else than a musician and that's how we all feel. It's our dream, that
came true. Hopefully we're able to do this till we're old and grey

4. Amy from Ljubljana, Slovenia

Would you change your fame for the peace in the world??

If that would guaranty world peace – of course. I would still do music,
because I think music is able to cross every border, all differences
and connect all countries of the world. It brings love and happiness
and I believe it's able to change the world.

5. Ahimsa from Lodz, Poland

Bill - You said you had problems with learning foreign languages. Do you think English is also difficult to learn?

It's all about practice and feeling comfortable. Till now we only
practiced English in school, which is quite a while ago. And all we
speak is School-English. But once I'm in a conversation it works out. I
guess the more we speak the easier it'll get.

6. Jen from Stavenger, Norway

What's the craziest rumor you have heard about yourselves?

Georg: The weirdest was that Bill died – that was really strange when we heard that one.

7. Koda from Paca, France

What's the favorite animal of each Tokio Hotel member ?

Gustav: We all have the same pets – a dog and a cat.
Tom: And Bill and I like monkeys to.

8. Tenna D From Toledo, USA

you concerned about the intensity of media attention in places like
England and the U.S., where photographers are notorious for their
aggressiveness and lack of respect for personal privacy?

Tom: I don't know. We haven't thought about that so far. We just can't wait till we finally get to meet our fans over there.

9. Ladyness from Wolfville, Canada

every local band I know starts losing touch with who they are and where
they came from as soon as they begin to get noticed. Has this happened
with you as you grew more popular; are you still friends with old
friends or have you moved on and left people behind?

We have been together for a long time now and we really know each
other. I don't think we forget where we're coming from and who we are.
We're still very close with our true and old friends and with our
families. As soon as we get off, we spent time with them. But at the
same time, people around you became less.

10. Bicou from Paris, France

you prefer to play in little auditoriums or huge ones? Do you think
it's ... warmer when there are not too many people or do you prefer
when there are like 12 000 people?

We used to play in front of five people in little clubs and now in big
venues. Everything is really nice. Playing in a club is really
intimate. But there's no bigger excitement than playing in front of a
really big crowd.

Bill: That's all I ever dreamed of – standing in front of thousands of people and sing.

11. Phabio from Fukui, Japan

What inspires your lyrics, and do any of them come from personal experiences or thoughts?

All our songs are personal - they either come from us, or they are
experiences that our friends have had. Some of them come from our fans.
Stories they have told us or written to us. Even if they are not our
personal experiences, we have to be touched, and we have to identify
with it – otherwise I could never write lyrics about it and sing it.
Same with the boys – if we don't feel it, we can't play it!

12. Cindiee from Limburg, Netherlands

Do you guys support a charity and if so which one?

We believe that music can change the world. In 2006 we supported Yoko
Ono and Amnesty International. The project was called "Make some
noise". Yoko Ono allowed for the first time ever someone to cover John
Lennon Songs for a Charity-CD. For that we recorded "Instant Carma".
Not looking away, taking care for others, being responsible for others,
standing up for your rights and against brutality and repression in
every single meaning – that's the message of the campaign.

13. Raven from Chiapas, Mexico

What do the band do before a gig and immediately after?

Georg: I would call us probably the most nervous band before a gig.
Tom: We all get together latest half an hour before we go on stage. And then we are nervous together.
Bill: Only Gustav is a little laid back.
Gustav: I like to listen to music and concentrate.
Bill: The rest of us will go crazy. We think about everything that possibly could go wrong and push each other to the limit.

14. Kellie from Adelaide, Australia

Bill what brand of toothpaste do you use and don't you get sick of fans taking pictures of you every where you go????

Not at all. Our fans are the best fans in the world. They make
everything happen for us. So we get really exited when we see them and
talk to them. And we always take time for giving autographs and taking

JE COMPREND RIEN !! Quelqu'un saurait traduire ?
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Nombre de messages : 281
Age : 32
Localisation : Devant mon ordi
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: reponce au fans   reponce au fans Icon_minitimeMer 23 Mai - 18:11

[color=#FFFFFF]TOTP June 2007 " Celui à qui nous faisons confiance "

Bill et Tom parlent en exclusivité de leur meilleur Ami

Ils ont moins de temps et ont une vie surbookée. Ils demandent beaucoup
de patience et d'honnetêté à leurs amis. Qui peut leur donner cela ?
Qui est le meilleur ami de TH ?

Où avez vous connu votre meilleur ami Andreas ?

Bill: Il était dans la même école que nous, à Wolmirstadt. A part lui,
on avait très peu d'amis à l'école. Tom et moi avons abandonné l'école
en 2nde. Andreas va passer son examen final cette année.

Est ce qu'il vous ressemble ?

Tom: Andreas est exactement comme nous. Si vous êtes de bons amis, vous
pensez souvent de la même façon. Et c'est ce qui se passe avec lui.

Est -il comme vous deux un esprit particulier ?

Bill: Hm, j'pense qu'il est un mixte d'un esprit différent des autres
mais avec un côté plus "dans le rang". En tout cas, son esprit nous
correspond complètement. Il est aussi spontané que Tom et moi et aussi
drôle, il a le même humour que nous. C'est très important pour nous, de
pouvoir rigoler avec nos amis.

Comment savez vous si vous pouvez lui faire confiance ?

Tom: Cela vient avec le temps. Si vous connaisez quelqu'un depuis
longtemps, vous apprenez à bien le connaître. Nous le connaissons
depuis près de 7 ans, et on peut lui faire confiance parce qu'il a été
avec nous depuis le début.

Bill: Nous sommes amis depuis très longtemps. ET depuis le début, il
nous a prouvé qu'on pouvait lui faire réellement confiance .

Est-il parfois le médiateur entre vous deux, lors de vos disputes ?

Tom: Non, pas du tout. Cela dépend quelle opinion il partage, il est soit du côté de Bill soit du mien .

Est ce qu'il dit aux autres qu'il est le meilleur ami des jumeux de TH ?

Bill: Il ne ferait jamais ça. Tout notre entourage prend de grandes
précautions sur ce point. Et quand on se voit, ils ne demandent jamais
ce qu'il se passe avec le groupe..etc. On peut comme ça parler de
choses complètement différentes, de problèmes courants...Quand nous
sommes avec nos amis, nous sommes très " intimes ".

Est ce que vous vous appelez souvent ?

Bill: Tous les jours. J'appele mes parents chaque jour, mes amis aussi. Je suis en permanence au téléphone.

Est ce que Andreas serait interessé de rentrer dans votre band ?

Tom: TH existe depuis 7 ans et nous resterons toujours le même groupe.
On ne prendra jamais de nouveaux membres, meilleurs amis ou pas.
Andreas joue de la batterie dans son propre groupe.

[color:9e6a=#FFFFFF:9e6a]Est ce qu'il est parfois agressé par vos fans ?

Bill: ça a toujours gardé des limites. Nous essayons bien sure de tenir
nos amis à l'extérieur de ça et on garde toujours un oeil pour séparer
amis et notre band. On sait comment c'est d'avoir sa vie révélé au

J'ai trouvais XD
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Nombre de messages : 185
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans les bras de Georg au pays des rêves
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2007

reponce au fans Empty
MessageSujet: Re: reponce au fans   reponce au fans Icon_minitimeMer 23 Mai - 18:52

Ra ! J'adore Andreas !
Ils sont trow zenti ! Ce sont de vrais amis !
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Nombre de messages : 211
Localisation : dans ma bulle
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2007

reponce au fans Empty
MessageSujet: Re: reponce au fans   reponce au fans Icon_minitimeMer 23 Mai - 19:06

moi j'aime bien ses cheveux

blond platine avec racine brune !!!

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MessageSujet: Re: reponce au fans   reponce au fans Icon_minitime

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